Much simpler post

I am not a New Years resolution type of guy. But, for the first time in a couple years, I’m willing to put some athletic/health goals out there. In no particular order:

1. a. Get my weight under 200 lbs. I’m at 220.
    b. Revisit my cholesterol managament – my cholesterol moves with my weight. If I were not a guy who has already had heart surgery, this would be considered overthinking it. But I am approaching 55 and that’s something of a magic number. Namely, at that point, both my cardiologist and primary would probably insist that I take statins. Therefore, if I am a successuful with a diet and exercise approach now, I can probably stave it off.
If you want the actual numbers let me know.

2. Run a 5k. I don’t need to do this in a race, but I might. I was running all summer and probably good have done it. But I never actually push myself to do it. I think this will happen later in the year. You have to run to run, if that makes sense. Riding a bike and swimming will help but it won’t really get you there. Running lighter is much better than running at 220.

3. Swim an IM. I have had this one for a while and I feel it is in reach. Backstroke and fly are the most challenging strokes to do well. I can do backstroke ok but bad turns can really kill your overall time. I need work there and swimming is 90% technique if not more.

Anyway, just needed to put that out there in the semi-public someplace. I found the note I made back in January. In one month, I have not made a ton of progress but that’s kind of expected. I’m changing basic stuff first.

Both my doctors and tons of other people like the concept of the slow-carb diet. Simply put, eliminate white stuff. It’s harder to execute than I thought. But overall, reducing things like pasta, rice and instead adding veggie proteins (beans, legumes) and other veggies. Stuff like cheese, milk, sugars is harder because it is in a lot of prepared food. But yeah.

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