where’s my happy place

Warm, breezy.
Cool on my skin.
Sunlit. bright.
Quiet, natural, sounds.
High contrast colors,
Eyes relax.
Clear air, breathed easily.
Mind disengages.
Curtains flutter.
A screen door squeeks open, slams, and clatters to a close.
Children. Voices at a distance.
Laughter. Shouting.

Written at a meeting last week.

haikus from the trip

Romanticized thoughts,
aglow with optimism.
Extinguished with age.

What to eat tonight.
I’m getting a bit hungry.
Soon, I’ll drink a beer.

Out of the milieu,
ethereal mist inhaled,
molecules divide.

Inward bound currents,
Invisible barrier,
Give up and subside.

Water laps a pace.
Its rhythm perplexes me.
I stop listening.